Core R&D
Our scientists are changing the conversation around what’s possible, and our engineers and designers apply their extraordinary talents and creativity to bring these ideas to life.
Fielded Systems
After developing R&D solutions to increasingly complex and important human-systems challenges, we ensure they are hardened and ready for the battlefield.
Commercial Solutions
We’ve spent 40 years finding solutions to impossible problems for the US government. Let us apply the innovations we’ve developed to the problems facing your business.

Solutions to serve the warfighter, technology to serve the world®
Our world-class research revolutionizes the impact of government programs and catalyzes new possibilities in the commercial marketplace.
Decades of government-funded innovation have generated an extraordinary breadth of core IP, which we harness to create an ongoing stream of breakthrough research.
Our culture of collaboration across disciplines inspires us to break down boundaries and expand the limits of creative thinking. We are a 100% employee-owned company!
We’re improving human potential based on groundbreaking research at the forefront of AI, robotics, and human-centered computing.
Our scientists and engineers frequently publish the results of their work in academic and industry journals.
We find vulnerabilities and protect systems and networks from theft, damage, or disruption of hardware, software, and electronic data.
Our innovations support the functions of government directly related to national security.
Our research informs strategies for medical training and patient assessment.
We create adaptive, intelligent training tailored to each individual, especially those maintaining complicated systems of systems.